The only family holidays I remember all took place before I began school. After that, I cannot remember going on any holidays as a family. Looking back through old photos it seems New Jersey was the place my parents preferred for holidays. Although I have no idea where the main (very blurry) photo was taken – on the back is written Dankovsky’s lake but there is no indication where the lake was or when the photo was taken. Perhaps my parents had friends by the name of Dankovsky and they lived near a lake?
The holiday destination I remember best was Brant Beach, New Jersey. I remember it because, in order to get to the beach, we had to cross a wide stretch of pebbles. My mother and I, for some reason barefoot at the time, would tread delicately across the stones crying out “ou, ouch, ou, ouch”. In this photo of me at Brant Beach, I appear to be wearing thongs, so I am not sure why we walked barefoot over the pebbles.

These next two photos were taken at Spring Lake and Manasquan, New Jersey. I have vague memories of holidaying at a lake where we were constantly attacked by small insects, but I could not tell you where it was.

None of the photos have dates on them but at a guess I must have been aged 3, 4 and 5 years old, respectively.