Moments in Time

Blogs which describe moments in my life, or the lives of my family.

Literary Speed Dating

Yesterday I arrived at The Wheeler Centre in Melbourne half an hour before the start time of my first Literary Speed Dating event, organised by the Australian Society of Authors. Wind the clock back five hours and I had just turned off my alarm after lying in bed for at

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Pitching to persuade

I’m nearing the end. After three years and ten months of writing and researching, I can almost say I’m finished with the memoir I began after the death of my father. I’m still rewriting and tweaking and cutting and pasting and editing, but it is nearly there. Every ending is

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Are beliefs inherited?

Last Sunday I was struck down with gastro flu, a distinctly uncomfortable illness which saw me running to the bathroom in between snatches of feverish sleep. By Monday I recovered enough to sit up in bed, read a little and think a lot. Naturally I pondered on my recent illness

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My mother

Mother’s Day

Every family celebrates special days in various ways and Mother’s Day is no different. Some families gather in cafés for breakfast or brunch. They might meet in restaurants or pubs for lunch or dinner. Other families get together in their mother’s home, or they might bring their mother into their

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What is my writing goal?

After years of writing followed by months of rewriting, cutting, pasting, more rewriting and changing direction in my manuscript numerous times, I have asked myself what I want to achieve from all of this effort. What would be the ultimate happy ending for me and for my writing? It isn’t

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“Piglet noticed that even though he had a very small heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude” AA Milne Gratitude, according to my Compact Macquarie Dictionary, is the quality of feeling or being grateful or thankful. It is also a word which seems to be used more

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