Woronoff / Voronov

Blogs which describe people or events related to my maternal line.

The Woman Carrying Two Giant Easter Eggs

Among the many postcards my mother and grandparents collected over the years is one which definitely speaks of Easter (pictured above). It is of a lady dressed colourfully, with a small red hat on her dark brown hair, an upturned collar and what looks like a green scarf tied around

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Sick and Desperate: no hospital would admit her

Surrounded by panic about the spread of Covid-19, what better way to spend an afternoon than researching my grandmother’s experience with disease during the Russian Revolution. I turned to her book, Upheaval, to find out how she was affected. She is not the best at recording dates, but I can

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International Women’s Day – Women of Strength and Courage

The photo collage above shows various pictures of the strong women in my immediate family – my mother, and both my grandmothers. I do not have to look very far from these three women to find strength, courage and determination. Although from different backgrounds, both of my grandmothers were refugees,

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After the Honeymoon; Starting a new life in the West

As if a whirlwind wedding wasn’t enough, my parents also had a whirlwind honeymoon; four days to be exact. They spent those four days split between New Jersey and Pennsylvania, staying with family friends. In the February following their wedding my father began work as a junior accountant with the

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